Your name in japanese Imagine

How is Imagine written in japanese?

Imagine in japanese katakana:


Imagine in japanese hiragana:


How to pronounce Imagine in japanese?

Imagine transcribed to romaji:


Pronunciation of Imagine in japanese:

Pictures of the name Imagine in japanese:

Imagine in japanese katakana:

The name Imagine in japanese katakana characters

Imagine in japanese hiragana:

The name Imagine in japanese hiragana characters

Example sentences that contain Imagine in japanese:

Imagine's friend has two cars


imajin no yūjin wa 2 dai no kuruma o motte imasu

Imagine's favorite color is blue


imajin no sukinairo wa aoirodesu

Imagine now also in chinese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Imagine in chinese!

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Other names in japanese:

Name Characters
Erik エリック
Jon ジョン
Mikel ミケル
Leonor エレノア
Angel Luis エンジェルルイス
Rebeca レベカ
Bruno ブルーノ
Maria Concepcion マリアコンセプシオン
Eloy エロイ
Manuel マヌエル

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