Your name in japanese Batawan
How is Batawan written in japanese?
Batawan in japanese katakana:
Batawan in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Batawan in japanese?
Batawan transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Batawan in japanese:
Pictures of the name Batawan in japanese:
Batawan in japanese katakana:

Batawan in japanese hiragana:

Example sentences that contain Batawan in japanese:
Batawan's favorite fruit is the apple
batawan no sukina kudamono wa ringodesu
Batawan's friend has two cars
batawan no yūjin wa 2 dai no kuruma o motte imasu
Batawan now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Batawan in chinese!

Other names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Montserrat | モントセラト |
Maria Angeles | メアリーエンジェルス |
Ander | アンダー |
Ana Maria | アナマリア |
Sofia | ソフィア |
Vanessa | バネスサ |
Ismael | イシュマエル |
Dolores | ドロレス |
Oriol | オリオール |
Marc | バガス |