Your name in japanese Annie Alexis
How is Annie Alexis written in japanese?
Annie Alexis in japanese katakana:
Annie Alexis in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Annie Alexis in japanese?
Annie Alexis transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Annie Alexis in japanese:
Pictures of the name Annie Alexis in japanese:
Annie Alexis in japanese katakana:
Annie Alexis in japanese hiragana:
Example sentences that contain Annie Alexis in japanese:
Annie Alexis's friend has nine houses
ani・arekushisu no yūjin wa 9 tsu no ie o motte imasu
Annie Alexis's favorite fruit is the pear
ani・arekushisu no sukina kudamono wa nashidesu
Annie Alexis now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Annie Alexis in chinese!
Go to see Annie Alexis in chineseOther names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Alonso | アロンソ |
Petra | ペトラ |
Araceli | アラセリ |
Maria Begoña | マリア・ベゴーニャ |
Rosalia | ロザリア |
Carmelo | カーメロ |
Judith | ジュディス |
Nuria | ヌリア |
Irene | アイリーン |
Maria Belen | マリア・ベレン |